Your name is everywhere
scrawled / tagged / engraved / typewritten
on street signs
stone walls
diaries of young boys who just had wet dreams
about you
laid almost everywhere, conquered it all
from here 1
up here 2
to here 3
even here 4
and there 6
here 7 and here 8
down here, even?
Feel like I’ve seen you all over the place, boy—WUU2? with
that pretty name carved almost everywhere
but here
1 Macedonia, 356 BC
2 Mount Olympus, 336 BC
3 Syria, 333 BC
4 Nile Delta, 332 BC
5 Issus, 333 BC
6 Chenab, 326 BC
7 Susa, 331 BC
8 Persepolis, 330 BC